
Blog3CX PBX integration with Dolibarr CRM

26 Maggio 2023

3CX PBX and Dolibarr CRM can be integrated to manage the flow of incoming calls thus allowing you to obtain customer cards.

This guide was written testing the scenario on the following software versions:

  • Dolibarr 17.0.0
  • 3CX CRM Template generator (executable on windows) 2.1.24

Let’s begin! What do we need?

Dolibarr User Access

  1. Dolibarr user with access to Third Parties and API credentials.

For simplicity you could also make it an administrator so as to obtain all the permissions. Take note of the API credentials as we will be using them shortly.

Configure 3CX

2. Configure the 3CX CRM Template Generator

After downloading and installing the software on your pc, launch it.

3. Follow the guide to configure your CRM template https://www.3cx.com/docs/crm-integration/

We offer an example of filling in the template fields to help you in the generation.

  • File > New > CRM Template Wizard…

3.2 Set The template name and configure the authentication method

For example: 3CX Dolibarr Integration and set authentication method: Basic and API Key

3.3 Specify the web calls CRM Dolibarr

Enter the API path to query the customer file of the Dolibarr CRM.

URL API should be similar to:

https://<your_dolibarr_domain>/api/index.php/thirdparties?DOLAPIKEY=<API Key>&amp;amp;limit=1&amp;amp;sqlfilters=(t.phone%3Alike%3A’%25[Number]%25′)

Just to be clear:

The parameters limit=1 and sqlfilters= they allow you to recover only a result of the query that will be carried out, as well as the telephone number.

3.4 Setup how fields returned from your CRM web request should map to 3CX contact fields.

These fields must be populated with the values ​​from the Dolibarr CRM, look at the database to know what the columns are called.

In general, the fields are called as in the figure, we advise you to verify for safety.

3.5 Setup how fields returned form your CRM web request should map to 3CX contact fields.

Set the field Contact URL to Get the URL form the server response


Let’s complete the last step for everything to work out.

 Settings 3CX Management Console

4. Go to 3CX “Management Console” > “Settings” > “CRM” > “Installed CRM Integrations” tab and click “Add” to upload your template to 3CX.

On incoming calls, the incoming caller ID number is queried against the Dolibarr CRM, and if a match is found, it is displayed in the 3CX Web Client.

Download our 3CX CRM Template Generator .xml example.

Download and upload to the 3CX Template Generator program by configuring it with your data.

Remember that you will need to configure the following values ​​for this to work:

  • Request Url entering your dolibarr domain and API Key
  • Variables according to your configuration in Dolibarr

Request information and advice